Super Green Indo Kratom – The Strain That Always Hits

Super Green Indo Kratom

Super Indo Kratom: Benefits, Uses, Dosage & More

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With the hype and rave for Kratom on the Internet, you have read and absorbed as many articles as you could before you bought this stuff. Your life is about to finally transform, just like every one that vouches for Kratom will tell you.

So you burn the green powder as quickly as you can. You can already imagine and visualize what’s about to happen. This was it!

It was going to be just like the scene from Limitless.


You will finally feel the care free vibe, the sedative euphoria, the mind bending focus, the suave ninja social skills and the super powers every one is talking about.

Five minutes pass, you shrug and say “it’s still too early to judge“.

Then 15 minutes.

Then 30 minutes. Hmmm maybe your watch is off.

Now you’re starting to panic. You look back at your watch again but this time it has been 3 hours since your last dose but yet… nothing.

That’s odd. There was no aroma, no euphoria, and no “superpowers”.

You didn’t experience any of the things that the Internet promised how Kratom was supposed to be. You sit down upset and frustrated. Why didn’t it work? Is this whole thing a scam or a placebo?

Well believe it or not, that’s actually exactly how I felt the first couple times I tried Kratom.

As mentioned on this website, your first couple of months trying Kratom will typically be an “experimental phase”. Not everybody tells you that. You have to find the right dose, the best time for you to take it, as well as consider your body type, whether you take on an empty stomach or after food etc. and generally experiment to see what the right combination is to make Kratom work for you.

What is Super Green Indo Kratom?

Green Indo leaf and powder

One way to almost skip this “experimental phase”, however, is to start by trying Super Green Indo Kratom.

It has been coined as the “beginner’s first time kratom” and “The strain that always hits“. If you are just starting out or on the verge of giving up because Kratom doesn’t seem to work for you, or want to further your knowledge and add a new Kratom strain to your arsenal then keep on reading…

What Are Green Indonesian Kratom Strains?

As you may have guessed, Indo strains originate from the country of Indonesia in Southeast Asia. Borneo or “Kali” strains could also be regarded as Indo Kratom since they originate from the Indonesian-owned territory of the Island of Borneo, simply known as Kalimantan by Indonesians.

Super Indo Kratom then of course comes in different “colors”, namely yellow vein, white vein, green vein and red vein Indo. I generally find them all pretty reliable, but especially green Indo Kratom…

Green Vein Kratom Strains

When it comes to Kratom strains, Green Indo Kratom (also known as Green Indo) are among some of the most highly sought out Kratom strains. And for good reason.

Green vein Kratom, of which Green Indo Kratom belongs, is a strain of Kratom that is known for its well-balanced effects, a direct result of its unique alkaloid profile.

Whereas red Kratom strains tend to offer sedative effects and a deep calm relaxing feel, white Kratom is the exact opposite, offering a strong energy boost and stimulating experience.

Green Vein Kratom tree

Green vein Kratom strains, however, offer the best of both worlds. Green vein Kratom strains have an alkaloid profile that possesses characteristics of both red and white veins, without one overpowering the other.

The result is typically milder effects, with green vein Indo Kratom strains offering a balanced feel that is perfect for work-time, social interactions, and more.

Green Indo Kratom Review

A high quality Green Indo Kratom will be a good example of a green strain with “moderate” effects; that is, it will offer both the effects of a “slow” and “fast” strain and can cancel out the negative side effects each one may have.

It’s technically the best of both worlds. You can achieve the euphoria when burning at higher doses and also get some energy out of it if you have a busy day ahead of you. Just don’t expect anything crazy from green Indo, like the surge of energy you might get from a strain like Red Thai Kratom or any Maeng Da.

Overall it’s pretty much a “do it all” Kratom strain. You can use this strain for virtually any activity whether it be working out, socializing, relaxing, you name it.

Green Indo Kratom: Advice After 3+ Years of Use

Unfortunately for me, I didn’t have the luxury of having somebody write out an article like this when I first tried out Kratom. However, fortunately my first order of Green Indo was from a quality source that provided a version that wasn’t bunk.

You see, sometimes the reason Kratom doesn’t work in the first place is probably because you got some bunk Kratom powder from some run of the mill website. Save yourself the headache; save up a little more and buy Kratom from a trusted vendor. You will thank me later.

Now having said that –

I have had my fair share of fun experiences with Kratom and I definitely have strains that I prefer over Green Indo. But Green Indo Kratom is my safe haven and guaranteed aroma if I ever do need it.

I have used Super Green Indo Kratom on and off and you’ll usually always find it listed on my order receipts whenever I purchase Kratom simply because it is so reliable.

Green Indo has hit and produced the promised effects 100% of the time… I kid you not.

In fact, there have been times that I have given Kratom to some of my close friends and it didn’t seem to be doing anything for them. (Usually because the dose was really low, they burned on a very full stomach etc.)

But the day I decided to give them the Super Green Indo strain, they all seemed to experience the desired results and constantly brought to my attention the lowered anxiety, and in some cases pain relieving, effects they experienced.

Green Indo Kratom Dosage

Super Green Indo Kratom is a happy medium and doesn’t necessarily require a high dose to experience the effects. Of course, all things being equal, upping the dosage on any strain (to a point) seems to enhance the experience and increase euphoria and feelings of well being.

Note: There are diminishing returns when burning larger dose. After a certain point the aroma will just turn lousy and you may start to experience some side effects such as a headache, nausea etc.

As with most Kratom strains, I would recommend about 2 grams to start off with and slowly up the dosage every 30 minutes if necessary.

There is No Standard Dose for Green Indo Kratom

Its important to remember that there aren’t any ‘standard’ or clinically validated universal dosages for Green Indo. Because of this, I always recommend starting with a ‘less is more’ attitude with Green Indo and other strains.

Ideally, you want to find the lowest effective dose of Green Indo for you and your goals. Not only will this have the best impact on your wallet, but will also help your stash of Green Indo last longer.

Related: How to Find the Correct Kratom Dosage for You

Green Indo Kratom Effects

Green Indo Kratom Benefits

I mentioned this a little bit already, but overall one of the first things you will notice with green Indo Kratom is the reduction in anxiety. If you have any background anxiety, it’s a perfect because it’ll help you feel care free and more “normal” in uncomfortable situations.

relaxed man

Other than that, Green Indo Kratom produces the focus needed for completing tasks and long assignments or work. Like I said earlier, you won’t experience a huge jump of energy like you would with a fast strain but you’ll get a little something.

Upping the dose usually means more euphoria, happiness, pain relief and a warm pleasant feeling without a care in the world. The aroma should come about after 15-40 minutes or so.

Green Indo Dose-Dependent Effects

Lower Dose: At Lower doses, Green Indo Kratom benefits include an uplifted mood, increased energy boost, focus, creativity, better social interactions, focus and motivation to get things done.

Moderate Dose: At moderate doses, Green Indo Kratom tends to be a bit more relaxing and calming, offering a bit more euphoria and a positive outlook on life. Users also often notice better pain relief at moderate and high doses.

High Doses: At high doses, Green Indo Kratom leans more towards its similarities with red vein Kratom strains. At high doses, this Kratom strain improves pain relief and pain management, adds to the euphoric feel felt with moderate doses, and results in a calm, relaxed and sedative effect that’s perfect for after work or going to bed.

Green Indo Kratom Products

Green Indo Kratom Powder

Powder is a common way to purchase and use green strains including Indo. Green Indo Kratom offers a lot of benefits, and Kratom powder gives you access to unlock everything this strain has to give. From drink mixes including juices, teas and coffees, to smoothies, snacks and deserts, the possibilities with powder are endless.

Green Indo Kratom Capsules

Sold as a dietary supplement, Kratom leaves are ground into powder that can be capped and sold in pre-measured doses. This makes Green Indo Kratom capsules convenient, reliable, easy, and perfect for discreet use on the go.

Best Places to Buy Green Indo Kratom

These are our latest recommended Kratom vendors that stock Super Indo Kratom. All these vendors are certified by the American Kratom Association to provide fresh, safe Kratom that is lab-tested and packaged in clean facilities.

1. Happy Hippo Herbals

Best Overall

The “Happy Hippo 1” strain is one of the originals at Happy Hippo Herbals and is a great example of a Green Indo.

Happy Hippo provide lab-tested, ethically sourced Kratom in the widest range of strains of any vendor. And most importantly, their products are fresh!

15% Off Coupon: KRATOMIQ

2. Kraken Kratom

Best for Free Shipping

Kraken Kratom sell a reliable “Super Indo Kratom” and it’s one of their more premium strains.

Kraken is another solid vendor that meets the standards of the American Kratom Association (all these vendors do). And they offer free shipping as standard.

Left Coast Kratom Logo

3. Left Coast Kratom

Best Back Up Option

If the other 2 options don’t have Green Indo available at the time for whatever reason, give Left Coast Kratom a try.

They stock Super Indo as well as a range of other popular strains, and their prices are among the most affordable of all AKA approved vendors.

When Kratom Isn’t Working for You

What I sometimes call “Kratom hell” or “Kratom purgatory” is when Kratom just doesn’t seem to be working or having any effect for you after multiple attempts. This is usually the case for some first timers and beginners because they struggle to find the right strains or haven’t figured out the correct method of dosing for themselves.

If you’ve never used Kratom products I personally recommend the Happy Hippo Starter Pack which is meant for people new to Kratom.

Happy Hippo Newbie Starter Pack

It usually comes with the following strains:

These are some of the strains that almost always hit. So if you are currently in “Kratom hell” go ahead and give Happy Hippo 1 or some of the other strains listed above a try. I would probably add green Malay Kratom to the list too.

Make sure you follow the other guidelines for Kratom such as burning on an empty stomach, experimenting with the dose, taking 1-4 week breaks, rotating strains regularly, avoiding Kratom extracts… you know, just the basic Kratom 101 rules as discussed on this site.

Final Thoughts About Green Indo Kratom

That about sums it all up. Super Green Indo Kratom, commonly sold as just Super Indo Kratom is a must try, whether you’re a beginner or a Kratom veteran; I’d rate it a 5/5 if you have the right expectations for it. Red Borneo Kratom is similar in that it can be used for pretty much anything.

At the end of the day I’m pretty sure you guys will like it. If there’s anything I missed, feel free to comment below and tell us your personal experience with this strain.

Written by Daniel Recardo

Founder of Kratom IQ; a self-improvement junkie and Kratom enthusiast. I started this website in 2015 to help people avoid the common pitfalls and mistakes with Mitragyna Speciosa, and ultimately get the most out of this amazing plant. Learn More...

Further Reading

Red Thai Kratom
Strain Reviews
Learn All About Red Vein Thai Kratom, a Strain in a League of it's Own. Includes Effects, Side-Effects, Dosage Advice & More. Brace Yourself!
Red Horn Kratom
Strain Reviews
Learn All About Red Horned Kratom Including Effects, Dosage Advice and More. Red Horned Leaf Kratom Can Be a Handful, So Read This First!
Red Malay Kratom
Strain Reviews
Here's What to Expect from Red Malaysian Kratom Including Dose Recommendations, Benefits and Best Products to Use. Read This Before Trying This Strain.
White Malay Kratom
Strain Reviews
Here's Everything You Need to Know About White Malaysian Kratom Before Trying. Learn What it is, How to Dose it, Effects, Best Products and More.

1 thought on “Super Green Indo Kratom – The Strain That Always Hits”

  1. I tried Indo Super Green today and it was wonderful. So far, it is the best thing I have tried. It’s very relaxing and good for my mood.


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